
Editorial Services

Minnie Belle McDonald Heath

Dec 9, 1930 - Carroll Daily - Funeral rites for Mrs. Hosea Heath, who died suddenly yesterday afternoon, will be held tomorrow at 3 o'clock p.m. in the home west of town. The services will be conducted by the Rev. W. Brooks, pastor of the Methodist church. Burial will be in the city cemetery.

Minnie McDonald, daughter of late Duncan McDonald, was born at Scranton, Apr. 18, 1873 and spent her early life on the farm four miles from that town. She was educated in the local schools and then came to Carroll where she was married Feb 15, 1893 to Hosea Heath.

For seventeen years they lived in Carroll and Mr. Heath was employed in the Beiter meat market, then they moved onto the Kuschel farm and later to a farm near Ralston, returning again to Carroll County. They purchased what was known as the Gilley farm in 1913 and moved there, maintaining a fine dairy. They improved the home and made it modern, and it is one of the most attractive places of the county.

Three children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Heath, Gerald and Edna dying in infancy and Garris Heath, who has been stationed at Trubetzkoye, Russia, the last two years demonstrating tractors and other farm machinery on a large wheat ranch. He is at present taking a month's holiday and is traveling in Europe, expecting to be in Berlin in time for Christmas, so cannot be informed of the tragedy at home.

Besides the son, her husband; the daughter-in-law, Mrs. Garris Heath; and three daughters, Geraldine, Dolores and Thelma, who were greatly loved by their grandmother. Mrs. Heath is survived by five sisters and three brothers: Mrs. Guy Gregory of Glidden; Mrs. Jack Sylvester of Lake City; Mrs. James Casey of Rockwell City; Mrs. Floyd Miller of Ralston; Mrs. John Alburg of Boone; Sam McDonald of Saskatchewan, Canada; Charles McDonald of Scranton; and Willis McDonald of Ralston.

Mrs. Heath was suffering with a cold Wednesday, which developed into sinus trouble and later erysipelas set in. She was so much worse Friday that Miss Blanch Gates, a registered nurse, was called and was in attendance during the remainder of her illness.

The news of her death, which occurred yesterday about 3:30, was a shock to the entire community, as few people knew she was ill. Mrs. Heath was well known in Carroll and vicinity, having lived in this neighborhood all her life and for more than 40 years in Carroll County. She was a hard-working woman, getting up early to assist her husband with the dairy stock and in making his rounds to deliver the milk. She always had a cheery word for her customers and was faithful in the performance of her duties. To her daughter-in-law who lived with her [Charlotte Anderson Heath], she was a true mother, and a great vacancy hard to fill has been made in the home of which she was so fond. She was a member of the Methodist Church and the Royal Neighbors.

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